Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Can't say that I blame Him. If you have read any of my works you know that I am not a religious person and I have a real problem with religious dogma. Jesus was a man on a mission. He saw the hypocrisy of the religious institutions of his time and, after experiencing intense enlightenment-(Christ), He put forth a teaching that was a new take (testament) on our true relationship to each other and the Universe (God). he was truly an avatar, mystic and teacher. He was not a Christian and did not want to start a new religion. That was done by men who thought they knew what they were doing. They didn't.

Much of what he taught was misunderstood. He even yelled at his followers (disciples) because they didn't 'get it.' One would think that after 2,000 years there'd be a better handle on the meaning of his words. At the time, some was confusion was to be expected. But how hard is it to understand, "For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again"? What you put out, the way you think, how you treat others, the way you act ALL comes back to you. This is the Law of Attraction! Think fear and you get fear. Worry about poverty and you get poverty. Think hate and you get hate back. Screw up the environment and you get a screwed up environment back. Value a dollar over the health, safety and welfare of others and you get budget deficits and program cuts. Value gas over protecting the environment and you get a messed up environment. It's not just you are what you eat-literally, but you are what you think-literally.

Focus on defense, you get war. Cut education, you get ignorant children. Cut health care, you get sick people. War with cancer, drugs, AIDS and you get cancer, drugs and AIDS. Take rights away and you lose yours. Make judgments and what you mete out is returned. You see, YOU create your reality. Keep in mind that the converse is true. Mete out caring, sharing, love, peace and gratitude and these things will be measured to you!

So why is Jesus pissed? Look at the current sate of the world. he just cannot fathom how such a simple concept could be so ignores and misused. Read WAKING GOD BOOK III, THE SECOND COMING OF HUMANITY. We are in a 'time of choosing.' You have seen the result of what we have meted out. Make a different choice.