Thursday, August 26, 2010


A “judgment” is a final decision. There is much confusion regarding
the following quote, as many have interpreted the lines in terms of
the passing of a verdict or a condemnation. On the contrary, this
saying is at the heart of the Law of Attraction.
“JUDGE not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye
judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it
shall be measured to you again.”

Let’s rephrase the saying with the concept of a final decision in
mind. Do not make a final decision so that a final decision is not
made about your life. Whatever you make a final decision about is
the course your life will take. Whatever you decide about the world,
that is the way your world will be.

The Law of Attraction says that what you hold in thought and imbue
with emotion and intent is what will manifest in your life. If you have
made a “final decision” that the world is a place of pain, suffering
and despair, then that is how the world will be measured back to
you. If you hold in your mind disease, that will be measured back to
you. If you hold in your mind poverty, that is what the world will
return. If you hold hatred, bigotry, violence and failure, these things
will be in your life. If you hold fear, then your life will manifest all the
things that you fear.

How often are we admonished that appearances are deceiving?
How often do we perceive an event in a negative way only to
discover that it was a blessing in disguise? Have you ever felt
dislike towards a person only to later become best friends? Have
you ever been disappointed about a job loss only to end up with an
even better job?

When we close our minds to new information and new ideas, we
close off the manifesting power of the Universe. When we say “This
is the way life is,” the Universe continues to reinforce our final
decision about life and provides all the things and events that go
along with that decision.

Life isn’t fair? Times are tough? I do not know what to do? The
world is out to get me? I’ll never get out of this rut? I am not smart
enough? I do not have enough money? I am not attractive enough?
If any of these are your outlook on life, the Universe will return to
you a life that contains most, if not all, of these decisions.
We never have complete information. Even in science, what is true
today is superceded tomorrow. What would have happened if the
early sciences were held to be true and, as a result, further research
was halted? Nothing that we know today would exist. There
would be no heart transplants, no vaccines, no CT scans, no Xrays,
and no progress in all of the areas of technology that we take
for granted. Science remains open and positive about its own
progress and yet, when it comes to our personal lives, we form
opinions and judgments and final decisions and remain passive in
the face of “fate” to the point that only an act of God will change our
minds. It is only when we open to the influx of new ideas and
concepts that the Universe offers a variety of ways to provide for
our needs and desires.

Jesus healed others because he refused to accept the illusion. He
made no decision based upon appearances and saw what we
would call the sick as whole and well. He held in his mind the truth
that we are all whole, and his thoughts became manifest.
If he had judged the sick to be sick, he would not have been able to
manifest the truth. This is the same with each of us. If we see
through the illusion of pain and suffering, we are in a position to
assist ourselves and to better serve those in need. If we see the
world as a place filled with infinite possibilities and opportunities,
then we open ourselves to those possibilities. If we judge something
as evil or bad, we actually create a reality that contains evil
and bad. If we see someone suffering and adopt an “oh, poor you”
attitude, then we have judged that person as beyond repair.
Does this mean that you lose all compassion? On the contrary, it
means that by seeing the poor as wealthy, the sick as whole, the
depressed as happy and the wicked as good, we create a new
vibration that can and will bring those qualities into existence. You
have to ask yourself, which is more compassionate, feeling pity for
the suffering or actually creating a reality where suffering does not

Incidentally, this is why we are admonished to be “born again.”
Enter each day with new eyes and no preconceived notions. Enter
the day with an expectation that all will be right, and the Universe
will fulfill that expectation. This is not easy. We are the products of
a conditioning that fills our subconscious mind with the “merchandise”
of the world. We carry over into each morning all of our
hopes, dreams and fears. But, day-by-day, we can make progress,
and with each step the world becomes a brighter place. Look
adversity in the face and say “No, you no longer control the way I
perceive life. I will not decide if what is happening is positive or
negative. I will let the Universe unfold new ideas and new opportunities
and will see each moment as an opportunity to learn and to
grow. I lack complete information and what may appear to be
negative may be the best thing that could happen to me.”
Gradually, day by day, old thought habits will diminish and a new
paradigm, a new outlook on life, will bring more positive events into
your life.

“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand:
repent ye, and believe the gospel. Repent: for the kingdom of
God is at hand.”

Repent means to change your ways or change your mind. The
Kingdom of God is here, believe in this truth, change your way of
thinking, for the Kingdom of God is here.

This is a different way of looking at these words of Jesus than
priests would present. Here we are being asked to change the way
we think about things, change our outlook on the world. We are not
being asked to ask for forgiveness. We are to understand the truth
that heaven is on earth now, not some day in the future.
Religious leaders have convinced the masses that heaven is a
future state of existence, in some distant location in a galaxy far, far
away. They tell us that this is hell on earth and if we are good and
ask no questions, we may receive our just reward.

But the good shepherd gave a different message. Heaven is available
to all in the NOW, this very moment, if we but repent, change
our minds, and accept the truth. The fields are already white with
harvest and it is a change in our mindset that will lift our eyes to
see this truth.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


The Law of Attraction is not just about the acquisition of things.
Much of the recent criticism surrounding such phenomena as the
film and the book “The Secret” is that the concept is egocentric and
too materialistic. Yes, the Law of Attraction does deal with humanity’s
material needs and desires but it also focuses upon humanity’s
spiritual needs. Detractors, utilizing the scare tactics of old, attempt
to cast this idea as anti-spiritual, something other than godly, and
bordering on satanic. At first glance, the first quote discussed would
appear to support the contention of the critics.
“Take these things hence; make not my Father's house a
house of merchandise.”

Many are probably familiar with the story of when Jesus threw the
money changers out of the Temple. Some would say that based
upon the above, material things have no place in spiritual teachings.
Out of context with the entire stream of thought, it could be
argued that detractors are correct. Even though the plate is passed
every Sunday, and the Catholic Church is one of the richest and
most powerful organizations in the world, they would say that things
of this world should be shunned. However, there is another way to
look at this quote and that is that Jesus was talking about our own
consciousness and that, in that context, Jesus was saying that
when you are focused upon higher spiritual thoughts, it is appropriate
to not be concerned with the troubles, the cares and the physical
burdens of your life. To think clearly one must remove the
“merchandise” or excess baggage from the mind in order to gain a
clear focus. This is a part of any true meditative state and enables
one to focus upon the work at hand.

“Say not ye, there are yet four months, and then cometh
harvest? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on
the fields; for they are white already to harvest. And he that
reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal:
that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice

This is perhaps the first saying that directly begins the discussion of
the unlimited abundance that is readily available to all. Fundamentalists
will be quick to claim that this is a reference to the “word of
God” and has nothing to do with material needs and wants. That is
one interpretation and it is also partially correct, but one must bear
in mind that Jesus also ate, drank, and sustained his material body
with material sustenance.

The powerful people of this world would have us believe that
resources are limited and that we must be thankful for anything that
we have. Religious authorities, who are often awash in worldly
riches, also promote the scarcity of resources fear, but promise that
greater riches will be awarded to those who are faithful to their
doctrine. After all, if everyone sought the riches of others, conflict
would arise. In fact, this has historically been the case. The Age of
Exploration was all about finding gold and wealth. The Colonial Age
was about controlling the resources of other “less advanced”
nations. Many will recall the Nazi demand for living space, and the
Industrial Revolution generated war and conflict as the corporate
machines demanded the natural resources of others. We are all too
familiar with notion of the “have and the have nots.”

Jesus is saying that there is no scarcity. All that we could possibly
desire is already available and waiting to be claimed. The money is
in the bank in our name and all that is needed is the withdrawal
slip. Who is “he that soweth?” The sower is the mind. The disciples
did not see the fields ripe with harvest with their physical eyes.
Jesus was telling them to lift their eyes, open their minds and with
their inner vision truly see and visualize the harvest. Abundance is
always available. Of course, because we live on the physical plane,
we are also the reaper of the harvest. We must take physical action
to reap the harvest we have sown with our opened eyes and our

This is the art of visualization. See what is desired, not in the future,
but in the now. See what is desired as manifest in the now and
develop a mindset that is ready to harvest the mental crop. Jesus
did not say, “See the harvest being planted.” He did not say,“Watch
the crop grow.” He said, “The fields are ready to harvest.”
When the mind and the body work together, when mind and matter
work as one, we will have all that we need as long as we live.
There are no limits, there is no scarcity and there is no need to take
from others, since all that we desire is available in the mental fields
that are “white with harvest.”

What you see in your mind, you attract on the physical plane.

Monday, August 16, 2010


It has been said that “the meek shall inherit the earth.” It has not
been said that the poor, the sick, the depressed, the hungry, the
downtrodden or even the followers of a particular religion will inherit
the earth. “Meek” simply means “showing mildness” or displaying a
“quietness of nature.” Yet for thousands of years that one phrase
has been used to justify the exploitation of millions. Humanity has
been told to suffer its lot in life because if you do, great rewards will
be bestowed upon you after death.

Religious dogma has done little to advance the cause of humanity.
While followers of various faiths have often worked to alleviate the
suffering of many, the actual institutions have been the cause of
war and divisiveness throughout the ages. The irony is that the
teachings of the great Masters, which unfortunately led to institutionalized
religions, actually left wonderful roadmaps aimed at improving
both the material and the spiritual status of humanity. These
maps have often been hidden, passed over, or misinterpreted in
the interests of maintaining the power and privilege of a few.
It has also been said that “all that is hidden will be revealed.”
Beginning in the 19th Century, many came forward offering new
interpretations of ancient secrets, the universe and ways for humanity
to gain material and spiritual advancement. Prior to this
time, the wisdom that would free humanity from its dogmatic yoke
lay hidden in secret texts, kept alive by so called “secret societies,”
or even hidden in plain sight in paintings, decks of cards, architecture
and in the form of plays, poetry and works of literature. All that
was needed to unlock the guides to human advancement were
mysterious keys and codes or a willingness to explore the inner
meanings of carefully chosen phrases and passages. The need for
secrecy was mandated, since those who held the reins of power
were willing to do anything to prevent higher knowledge from
reaching the minds of the masses. Inquisitions, genocides, mass
torture, and all sorts of unspeakable methods were used to prevent
the dissemination of the truth and to maintain the secrecy of this
higher wisdom.

Despite all of the grand efforts to censor the truth, much has remained
readily available to those who seek a greater understanding
of humanity’s relationship to the COSMOS. After all, if the
teachings of the great masters and avatars were totally suppressed,
there would be no basis for the dogma that has for so long
held sway over the thoughts of man. Still, even though “truths” have
been at our disposal at all times, it is incredible that those in power
have still been able to assert such control. Throughout the millennia,
those who sat at the apex of religious institutions have been
able to convince the masses that it is only they who have the key to
the meaning of scripture and verse.

Times have changed. Arising from the early teachings of Theosophy,
the early spiritualists and the “New Age” phenomena, barriers
to free religious thinking are crumbling like the once invincible
Berlin Wall. In our era of instant communication, it has become
almost impossible to censor or control the spread of new ideas and
enlightened thinking. A generally literate world population, mass
media outlets, TV, the Internet, YouTube and the dwindling capacity
of religious leaders to impose penalties upon dissenting thought
has resulted in a spiritual revolution that appears unstoppable.
These institutions are under daily siege and their foundation is
showing major cracks. People are re-reading religious texts and
finding new and personal meanings in the words of the masters.
Unencumbered by the chains of the self-proclaimed moral authorities,
a new-found inner freedom and understanding of spiritual
thought is sweeping across the world.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I thought it might be enlightening to provide for you the introduction to the Jesus Taught It, Too... book.

The world is being increasingly exposed to challenges to traditional
religious thought. The film and book, “The Secret,” the release of
“The Gospel of Judas,” the film, “The Lost Tomb of Jesus,” the
book “The End of Faith” by Sam Harris, and the novel, “Waking
God” by authors Doe and Harris are but a small example of the
onslaught directed at religious dogma. With publicity for these new
ideas being heralded by Larry King, Oprah and DeGeneres as well
as the exponential increase in the number of web sites, blogs and
forums regarding the Law of Attraction and manifesting your own
reality, religious institutions are facing their greatest trials since the

Added to this siege are the frequent and highly publicized church
scandals. Issues of gay ministers, the right of clergy to marriage,
potential schisms and the role of women in the various churches
have been frequent page one headlines. Some would label these
The End Times or End of Days. Others would argue that this is not
an end, but a beginning of a New Age of Spirituality. The latter
would say that we are in a “time of questioning” that will lead
humanity to a new level of understanding between humanity and
the Cosmos. Quantum science is peering into the very fabric of
reality and discovering that appearances have long been deceiving.
Rather than disproving the claim of Intelligent Design, science may
yet prove that behind all that we term reality is a guiding

People are beginning to question the interpretation of holy texts,
and new archeological discoveries are raising doubts over what
was held my many as historical fact. Was Jesus married? Did he
leave behind physical remains? Did early religious leaders and
messengers actually tell of a stream of thought that is far different
from what has been preached in the pulpit? Are religious teachings
really about worship, the struggle of good versus evil and the
concept of sin and punishment, or do they describe a unified
Universe where there is duality without judgment and a blueprint for
the spiritual evolution of humanity?
While dogma and institution have certainly come under fire, the
actual teachings of early religious leaders have not. While those
who may have distorted and skewed teachings have been backed
against the wall, the messages of the early Masters are receiving
revived interest and new interpretations. What are emerging are
new sets of Spiritual Laws that contradict common theological
“wisdom.” These Laws are common threads found in all religious
texts but which have, for millennia, been downplayed or kept
The “new spirituality” is not at all new. The late 1800’s and early
1900’s saw new views of the Universe in existentialism,
transcendentalism and theosophy. The writings of H. Spencer
Lewis, often overlooked, began to make known some of the secrets
held within the Rose Cross. Since then, there have been books on
everything from creating wealth to thinking yourself well. In the
sixties there was the emergent guru and music of that time was
filled with spiritual messages. The 80’s witnessed the New Age
movement and many flocked to their daily dose of affirmations,
positive thinking and messages from beyond that flowed into willing

Today we have moved beyond “positive thinking” as new revelations
and secrets are being revealed to millions over the Internet
and through mass media outlets. At the same time, we are witnessing
the growth of religious fundamentalism as the old institutions
and ways of thinking try to maintain their historical sway on the
minds and hearts of the former faithful. As in the days of the Reformation,
the lines of spiritual thought have been drawn in the
sand, sometimes with blood.

“JESUS TAUGHT IT, TOO” is not an attempt to revive or support
traditional Christian thought. On the contrary, it presents a unique
interpretation of the sayings of the Master that stand in juxtaposition
to conventional religious thought. This work shows that most of
the literature regarding such topics as the Law of Attraction, The
Manifestation Process, creating one’s reality, thinking and growing
rich and visualizing your way to goal fulfillment date back over two
thousand years. The founding principles of all of these lines of
spiritual thought can be found in the Christian Bible in the actual
words of the one named Jesus. This is not to infer that Jesus was
the only ancient messenger to lay the foundation for current spiritual
thought, but it clearly shows is that He did lay such a foundation.
It is also clear that the way pointed out by Jesus is not what is
commonly taught to the masses. Just praying to Jesus and proclaiming
him your personal savior will not invoke the Law of Attraction
or the Manifestation Process. This fact is borne out by history.
Getting to the “Father,” the kingdom within, through the acceptance
of the inner Christ, and not the man, Jesus, is the path that one
must follow. This path is open to all that will accept that a higher
state of being exists at the core of our essence. It can be called the
Christ, higher self, or any term one chooses. The key is to recognize
that within each of us is a power that is the same that created
the Universe. It is this power that we utilize to manifest all that we

Okay, this gives you the gist of the book and some food for thought. The bottom line: the truer inner teaching of Jesus are not at contradictory to the LOA and, in fact, helps to form the basis for the 'revelations' hidden within this fundamental precept of the Universe. In my WAKING GOD blog I have discussed how science (quantum physics) has come full circle. That the LOA is soundly based in the emerging discoveries dealing with quantum entanglement, string theory and the basic notion that we create our reality. These were fact expressed eons ago. They just used different words. But is becoming increasing clear is the age old mystic adage: As above so below, as below so above. The macro and the micro are one; Jesus knew and taugh this.

Friday, August 13, 2010


That was the prophecy. Thing is, what was hidden, was hidden in plain sight. Jesus, as well as other avatars, openly taught the Law of Attraction. It is even the key that unlocks the Kingdom of heaven. Oh, don't get me wrong. I am not at all religious, having rejected such dogma at a very early age. But one must distinguish between the inner message and what became corrupted by religious institutions. The irony is that despite all of the editing and censorship, the 'hidden' secrets of such Masters as Jesus remained in plain site. Purloined letters of wisdom that were not understood by the institution , were left intact out of their own ignorance.

The postings here will show, as indicated in the book, JESUS TAUGHT IT, TOO..., that the LOA is not only a fundamental principle of the teachings of Jesus, but that it also permeates the teachings of all religions. In fact, the LOA predates all modern religions and has been a fundamental teaching of the so called 'mystery schools' and 'secret societies.'

The LOA is not something you choose to use or not to use-no more than you choose to use gravity. It operates all of the time. The key question is will you choose to use it consciously, as intended, or will you let the subconscious mind and the minds of others dictate to you the nature of your reality?

If you are a 'born again' or some other kind of religious zealot, you will not enjoy this blog and any attempt to use comments to get into fundamentalist arguments and BS will will be deleted.

Come and learn, share and let the what has been hidden be revealed in your everyday life.


This review is from: Jesus Taught It Too: The Early Roots of the Law of Attraction (Paperback)
The Law of Attraction is not a newly revealed secret, it was taught by a very humble man of God more than 2000 years ago. "Jesus Taught It, Too: The Early Roots of the Law of Attraction," by Philip Harris presents a compelling argument that the Law of Attraction is not a modern paradigm shift. Harris portrays the teachings of Jesus and his followers as a mindset that requires knowing one's inner meaning that comes from the heart. Jesus, referenced in multiple scriptural references, espoused the firm belief that faith is based on knowing...not hoping.

Harris' in-depth research of Biblical scripture and history offers unique perspectives and well-founded premises to support his discussion of Jesus' simple message. According to Harris, Jesus taught that we live in a unified universe, free of judgment, in which we are seeking our individual spirituality. Organized religion is a man-made institution that teaches the faithful about the dogma of good, evil, sin and a punitive God. The New Age movement is not truly new, according to Harris. Since the early 1800's the movement has taught the power of positive thinking and positive affirmations and has included such followers as Alcott, Emerson and Thoreau. Man has sought to analyze spiritual thought and seek their inner Christ through visualization since the Apostles first sat at the foot of their Master.

"Jesus Taught It, Too..." explores the concept that a true meditative state is found only when you are free of emotional, spiritual, and physical baggage. Through the recognition that God is not exclusionary you can reap physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional wealth. Doubt will ensure failure.

"Jesus Taught It, Too..." presents complex theocratic beliefs in simple, straight-forward language. The Law of Attraction addresses the powerful influence of positive thinking in the acquisition of physical and material needs. Jesus taught that by applying these same principals to one's spiritual life, one's physical and material needs will be met as a natural result of their application. Harris challenges the reader to "believe in the best with an inner conviction...and it will manifest in your life." This book's intriguing but down-to-earth message will appeal to any reader seeking to broaden their spiritual horizon.
Shannon Evans "My Writing Mentor" (Seattle, WA)