Wednesday, January 12, 2011


If you have been following my other blog,, or the news, you will have reports about mysterious bird and fish deaths around the world. You will also have seen that 2010 was the worst weather on record and that climate change is definitely taking its toll. You may also have noticed that many religious fanatics are claiming that these are the 'end times', or Armageddon is upon us as these are signs found in Revelations.

Please, do not by into this religious hype and nonsense. Such fanatics do not even know the meaning of the word, Armageddon or even Apocalypse. Are these events occurring? Yes, big time and many not even reported. But is this Armageddon as they depict it? No. If you have read the book, JESUS TAUGHT IT, TOO... you will come to understand that there is no vengeful Super being that is out to get you. You will also come to understand that you are RESPONSIBLE for your own reality that YOU CREATE! This is what the Master taught. It is not what goes in, but what comes out that determines your reality!

But, Armageddon is happening happening and it is happening now. In the final book of the WAKING GOD TRILOGY, called THE SECOND COMING OF HUMANITY, all of this is explained. But you may want to read the first two, THE JOURNEY BEGINS and THE SACRED ROTA first. They set the stage. So, if you are concerned about 2012, the prophecies of the Mayans, Nostradamus, the Hopi and more, then you need knowledge. Knowledge does not set you free, but the use of that knowledge does.

The time of 'worn out dogma' is at an end! Live not in fear, lest you create a reality based in fear!