Wednesday, July 27, 2011


"Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest."

Jesus clearly teaches the Law of Attraction. He says that in order to gain abundance and prosperity, you do not have to wait for that new job, promotion, raise, or Congressional approval. If think that you need abc in order to get xyz, then you will always be stuck in abc. There are no limits in the Universe right now! You do not need to wait four months, a year, or for anything to happen first. Remember these words in the coming days and months. Do not buy into fear of 'not having.' Lift up your eyes and see!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Can't say that I blame Him. If you have read any of my works you know that I am not a religious person and I have a real problem with religious dogma. Jesus was a man on a mission. He saw the hypocrisy of the religious institutions of his time and, after experiencing intense enlightenment-(Christ), He put forth a teaching that was a new take (testament) on our true relationship to each other and the Universe (God). he was truly an avatar, mystic and teacher. He was not a Christian and did not want to start a new religion. That was done by men who thought they knew what they were doing. They didn't.

Much of what he taught was misunderstood. He even yelled at his followers (disciples) because they didn't 'get it.' One would think that after 2,000 years there'd be a better handle on the meaning of his words. At the time, some was confusion was to be expected. But how hard is it to understand, "For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again"? What you put out, the way you think, how you treat others, the way you act ALL comes back to you. This is the Law of Attraction! Think fear and you get fear. Worry about poverty and you get poverty. Think hate and you get hate back. Screw up the environment and you get a screwed up environment back. Value a dollar over the health, safety and welfare of others and you get budget deficits and program cuts. Value gas over protecting the environment and you get a messed up environment. It's not just you are what you eat-literally, but you are what you think-literally.

Focus on defense, you get war. Cut education, you get ignorant children. Cut health care, you get sick people. War with cancer, drugs, AIDS and you get cancer, drugs and AIDS. Take rights away and you lose yours. Make judgments and what you mete out is returned. You see, YOU create your reality. Keep in mind that the converse is true. Mete out caring, sharing, love, peace and gratitude and these things will be measured to you!

So why is Jesus pissed? Look at the current sate of the world. he just cannot fathom how such a simple concept could be so ignores and misused. Read WAKING GOD BOOK III, THE SECOND COMING OF HUMANITY. We are in a 'time of choosing.' You have seen the result of what we have meted out. Make a different choice.

Friday, April 22, 2011


It really makes me laugh, all the attention that Judas gets this time of year. Poor Judas, portrayed as villain extraordinaire, the great betrayer, the man who sold out Jesus for a few pieces of gold. And, while you know that I am really against worn out Church dogma, let's look at this at face value.

Aside from the fact that ALL of the apostles betrayed and denied Jesus, the real question is, "Why do people continue to betray Jesus?" Clearly, Church history shows out right betrayal of everything the Man taught. From wars, watching genocides, judging everyone about their life styles, to perverting His teachings and lying about the things He taught, so called Christians have committed far worse betrayals than Judas could have even dreamed of. The amassing of great wealth at the expense of the poor, wasting money on useless edifices, the breaking of all of the commandments and essentially throwing out the window the most fundamental teaching, LOVE THY NEIGHBOR, make Judas look like a saint when compared to the actions of the 'flock.' We poison our bodies, those of our children and our minds-not just with real poison, like toxic chemicals, but with attitudes of greed and selfishness. We kill our planet, our animal brethren, and our whole environment for treasures that matter not.

In the halls of government, we are more concerned with deficits than helping the sick, the elderly, the poor and the homeless. Is this what the Master taught you? Is this not a betrayal of all that he stood for? Is picking the pockets of the widows in keeping with the testaments?

So, the next time you are told about the horrible thing that Judas did, who was by the way forgiven, look at your own betrayal, while you still have time to do so.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


It has been sad to see some religious posts that blame recent disasters in Japan as resulting from some form of punishment from God. How stupid! If there is a God that punishes then it needs to go away-we don't want you here anymore. However, the attribution of human qualities-hate, greed, envy, etc. to a god is pretty ignorant and shows that people simply do not know how to read or interpret holy books-and neither do so called religious leaders.

In Jesus' teachings of the law of Attraction, he clearly laid the responsibility for our reality squarely upon our shoulders. We really need to get off this merry-go-round mentality of trying to blame others or outside forces for our own misgivings. The flip side is that if we created it, we can correct it. If you are dumb enough to build nuclear power plants in the most earthquake prone region of the world, why be surprised when a disaster occurs? If you build your home right on the coast in an area that gets frequent hurricanes, why be surprised when the home is washed away? If you put a trailer in tornado alley....None of these things have anything to do with the wrath of some insane vengeful deity.

Jesus said 'we reap what we sow.' If we sow toxic chemicals in our land, water, air and food, why would you not expect disease, dead birds and fish? If you pour billions of tons of green house gasses into the air, why would you not expect climate change? Feed your children chemicals and wonder why they are autistic? Feed them fat, you get fat kids! Give people power over every aspect of your life and wonder why they exercise that power? Let bankers and corporations walk all over you and wonder why they do? Tell politicians to cut spending and complain when they cut your favorite programs?

None of these things can be laid at the feet of deity. You believe that life is unfair, there is nothing you can do, corporations are too powerful, all politicians are corrupt, and you are helpless. But, believing and it is done unto to you. That which you judge, make a final decision about, is the judgment against you. But it is not punishment, anymore than throwing a stone in the air and it hitting you on the head when it falls is a punishment. You have to get out of the way. You have to understand that there is cause and effect that you have set in motion. "Did I not say ye are gods." Jesus said this and he meant that you are literally a god, with the power to create your own reality.

Read WAKING GOD, THE SACRED ROTA and the soon to be released THE SECOND COMING OF HUMANITY. Put world events into their proper perspective. Take control of your life and the world. Consciously use the law of Attraction the way it was meant to be used. Take responsibility!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

As a former Episcopal Lay Reader

This is an excellent book for those who have a religious/spiritual background that may be keeping them from learning more about the Law of Attraction. It is well written. The author does an excellent job of showing that the main things taught by Jesus as recorded in the bible match perfectly with the present day main principles of the Law of Attraction. The author shows that even though the use of language has changed significantly since the time of Jesus, the meaning of the principles has not changed. As a former Episcopal Lay Reader who knows the bible fairly well, I strongly recommend this book to everyone, especially to those who may have a clergyman who is talking against the Law of Attraction out of ignorance or because he/she feels threatened by it.

After reading this book, there should be zero doubt that Jesus was so far ahead of his time that he was actually teaching what science has now conclusively proven to be a fact through quantum physics. Jesus was trying to teach people that they do have the power to accomplish far more than they ever dreamed possible. He was teaching the Law of Attraction even though he never called it that. So, this book could be considered a must read for the religious and/or spiritual person who has any doubts about the Law of Attraction.

A Great Read If You Are A Christian...A Must Read If You Are Not


Jesus Taught It, Too! is a very well written and thought provoking book. "The Law Of Attraction" is a subjective term that can possibly be explained as "What you sow is what you reap." Phillip Harris does a brilliant job of explaining how the words of Jesus we have access to can be interpreted to help us as we search for the "truth." The truth that could possibly mean heaven is here and now on this blessed earth and is what we make of it. It is a logical theory compared to many others that promise streets paved with gold and pearly gates. This book is a must read for anyone who believes in the genius of Jesus Christ...and a Supreme Creator. It will give you one more unique insight into The Prince Of Peace and what His message was all about before it's meaning got revised to fit steadfast dogmas that require a lot of monetary donations to remain in step with Our Lord.


This quote from the Master sums it all up. It was not asked as a question, but rather presented as a matter of fact. It is key to understanding the Law of Attraction and all that goes on in your world. Your deepest thoughts and emotions are the word of god-YOU! Your power is incredible. If you live in fear, confusion and dread, so your life will be because you have willed it so. So let it be thought, so let it be done!

Live in a state of gratitude, happiness, and thoughts of love, and it is returned unto to you ten-fold. The law and the truth are simple; no gimmicks, no tricks. What you deeply feel and think, you get. All that is in your world is there by the power of YOUR mind and emotions. No escape, no blame-just you.

This is the basis of THE WAKING GOD TRILOGY. Waking god, you! A recent study reported in the National Academy of Sciences Journal showed how 30 men were able to eliminate prostrate cancer through diet and meditation. The actually altered their Genes by turning bad ones off and good ones on. There are no limits, no barriers you cannot overcome. Wake up and consciously use your god seed to create a life of peace, love and light.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


If you have been following my other blog,, or the news, you will have reports about mysterious bird and fish deaths around the world. You will also have seen that 2010 was the worst weather on record and that climate change is definitely taking its toll. You may also have noticed that many religious fanatics are claiming that these are the 'end times', or Armageddon is upon us as these are signs found in Revelations.

Please, do not by into this religious hype and nonsense. Such fanatics do not even know the meaning of the word, Armageddon or even Apocalypse. Are these events occurring? Yes, big time and many not even reported. But is this Armageddon as they depict it? No. If you have read the book, JESUS TAUGHT IT, TOO... you will come to understand that there is no vengeful Super being that is out to get you. You will also come to understand that you are RESPONSIBLE for your own reality that YOU CREATE! This is what the Master taught. It is not what goes in, but what comes out that determines your reality!

But, Armageddon is happening happening and it is happening now. In the final book of the WAKING GOD TRILOGY, called THE SECOND COMING OF HUMANITY, all of this is explained. But you may want to read the first two, THE JOURNEY BEGINS and THE SACRED ROTA first. They set the stage. So, if you are concerned about 2012, the prophecies of the Mayans, Nostradamus, the Hopi and more, then you need knowledge. Knowledge does not set you free, but the use of that knowledge does.

The time of 'worn out dogma' is at an end! Live not in fear, lest you create a reality based in fear!